What we’re about

Here at TNW we are big proponents of our second amendment rights, but we do not view this as just a place to learn to shoot. What we see time and time again both from our customers and our children when they learn a new skill is a noticeable bump in self confidence, and that’s what we’re here to build. More than anything we believe all men and women should be free, and that freedom is a heavy load that requires self reliance and courage. Our ultimate goal is to build the self reliance and self confidence of our customers and to build a community that is courageous enough to stand up for itself.

Firearm ownership


At Training Northwest we believe owning a gun is a heavy responsibility that requires skill and knowledge. We aim to help our customers develop both.

The National Shooting Sports Foundation and National Rifle Association estimate 5.4 million Americans became first time gun owners in 2021 alone, and that there are a combined 11 million first time owners since 2020. If you are a first time gun owner know that we support your decision to own a firearm and want to help you on your path to becoming a safe and proficient shooter.

If you are an experienced shooter looking to increase your skill level you can benefit from one of our non-introductory courses- training never stops!

All classes are held in Snohomish County, WA.

What we focus on

Fundamentals, fundamentals, fundamentals! When you watch a team of Rangers breach a door and clear a structure on YouTube you are watching a group of men who have rehearsed every action to the point of muscle memory- meaning every action has a firmly embedded neural pathway in their body. What you don’t see is the hours, days, weeks, months, of repetition it takes to get there. Our rifle and pistol 1 courses focus on safe handling practices, marksmanship, and alternate shooting positions. These are the basic skills that allow you to safely own a firearm and successfully put it into use in a self defense situation. Additionally we send you out with “homework” to practice on your own to cement these skills into your nervous system and build muscle memory.

Our Instructors


Tobin and Dave served together in the 75th Ranger Regiment and as CIA contractors. Between them they have more than 20 years experience deploying to extreme high threat environments. As a result both believe strongly in being prepared for emergency situations no matter how unlikely.

While the topic of firearms safety is serious they keep the instruction light and fun. The goal is knowledge transfer from them to you and that is better facilitated in a relaxed environment.